Preface (Pendahuluan)

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"The best way that I am able to describe life is through a food analogy. Halo-Halo is a rather delicious Filippino shake-like drink that contains an assortment of ingredients including ice cream, jellies, crushed ice, and various other ingredients. This symphony of flavours plays a melody on your tongue, just like the different aspects of a well-lived, balanced, and righteous life combine to make life beautiful and invigorating. This blog aims to be spiritually strengthening, intellectually stimulating/informative, AND entertaining. Enjoy the 'mix-mix' of your halo-halo!" -CD Hall

14 Jul 2011

Finally I am Posting Something to this Blog!

Anyone who has heard even a little bit of information about me knows that I love languages. I apologise to the reader in advance if there are any confusions. Fortunately, Google Translate is available to decode portions of my blog. The majority of the posts will be in English, with an occasional linguistic treat.

In the upcoming weeks, this blog will be full of tasty halo-halo ingredients. I have many notes and experiences to include since I returned to Malaysia on the 21st of April, 2011. They have been preserved in many places. Some of them are on paper. Others come from my mind. And the MOST valuable were taught to my heart by friendly Mr. Adversity.

Traveler's Notice: Malaysia's time zone is 14 (sometimes 15) hours ahead of Mountain Standard Time in the United States.

I am going to sleep soon, but my blog is lacking something. Something spiritually powerful!

Last night I was reading one of the last talks given by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles that teaches us how to handle the not-so-nice Mr. Adversity. I would like to share a paragraph from the middle of the article:

Because Jesus Christ suffered greatly, He understands our suffering. He understands our grief. We experience hard things so that we too may have increased compassion and understanding for others.

The insight I gained from this article is that we should change our perspective concerning adversity to this:

Trials transform us into better disciples of the Savior because we understand more accurately how He felt and how other people feel. This enables us to serve Him better and better AND experience more and more joy because the pain has passed through us.

For the complete talk, please click the following link: Come What May, and Love It

Take care and good night!

CD Hall