Preface (Pendahuluan)

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"The best way that I am able to describe life is through a food analogy. Halo-Halo is a rather delicious Filippino shake-like drink that contains an assortment of ingredients including ice cream, jellies, crushed ice, and various other ingredients. This symphony of flavours plays a melody on your tongue, just like the different aspects of a well-lived, balanced, and righteous life combine to make life beautiful and invigorating. This blog aims to be spiritually strengthening, intellectually stimulating/informative, AND entertaining. Enjoy the 'mix-mix' of your halo-halo!" -CD Hall

30 Apr 2012

First Week Back at BYU

My first day with my new ward in Provo was very enjoyable. I am a part of the 241st Young Single Adult Ward in Provo, Utah. My stake president and bishop issued the following five-fold challenge:

I fully believe that any individual who joins me in this challenge will become, as Elder Bednar says, "bad to good" or "good to better."
Another spiritual experience I had over the weekend was discovering an article created by Elder Clayton Christensen of the Seventy.

Elder Christensen is not only a leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but he is also the Kim B. Clark Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. He is highly innovative regarding disruptive and sustaining technologies. In fact, he is the authour of the insightful book entitled, The Innovator's Dilemma--When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. This book enables the reader to understand why companies go from the top of the pile to the bottom of the pile.

Overall, I had an incredible first week back at BYU accompanied by a highly motivational weekend!