Preface (Pendahuluan)

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"The best way that I am able to describe life is through a food analogy. Halo-Halo is a rather delicious Filippino shake-like drink that contains an assortment of ingredients including ice cream, jellies, crushed ice, and various other ingredients. This symphony of flavours plays a melody on your tongue, just like the different aspects of a well-lived, balanced, and righteous life combine to make life beautiful and invigorating. This blog aims to be spiritually strengthening, intellectually stimulating/informative, AND entertaining. Enjoy the 'mix-mix' of your halo-halo!" -CD Hall

21 May 2012

Google Doc Foreign Language Survey

Ever since I met countless people of different nationalities, ethnicities, and backgrounds while serving in the Singapore Mission, I have debated this question: 

"Throughout the world, which languages are the most taxing to learn for our brain cells?"

The other related question I often think about is "Which languages are the most difficult for a native speaker of any given language?" For example, "Why is English so difficult to learn for native Thai speakers?"

At the following link, you will be able to tell me what you think and how you feel about these questions.

Additionally, I would like to know your view about which languages hold the most value globally and/or in your personal life. Do you value these languages because you use them as secret love languages with your significant other? Are these languages valuable because you wish to use them in your career? Do you rate the languages based on how many speakers know the languages? Or does your valuation hinge on how often you are able to use your talents to serve other people?

I also included my view about these matters in the Google Doc.

Enjoy! :)

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